Thursday, August 19, 2010

Game Rentals.............?

How much does it cost to rent a ps3 game at blockbuster and how long can i have it for? and i know they have that no more late fees crap how long more would u have it forGame Rentals.............?
Gamefly is a solid choice is if your a hit and quit gamer. But for most good games and the ps3 in general, the games get deeper and have multiplayer features that evolve in to an owning relationship.Game Rentals.............?
go to gamefly dude, best thing ever and cheap, can have it as long as you want
ok firstr y wud u get a game from blockbustem and then not ty to play it but after that u want to im drunk and start it bye looking at a wait what was the question. o it right above what im typeing it cost $ 11 dollars for seven games and $2 for 8. other than that there are no late feess
It depends on where you live.

The best way to get this answer? Call your local blockbuster.

I'm in Canada, and its' $9.99 for 3 days.. not sure if that is a local thing, or for the entire country though. I suspect it cost less in the states.

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